Thursday, December 20, 2012

In Memory of Art Devoe

To those of you who may be unaware Art Devoe passed away last week. I generally try to post information about services so that our members have the option of attending. In Art's case however I never got a chance and I want to apologize for that. I am sure that there are many of you that knew him much better than I did, but in the limited time I knew him I developed respect for him. I am sure that we would not agree on everything but we were always able to have a conversation. I performed services with his squad while honoring a friend and I had a lot of fun with them and learned that Jack Bahr was once attacked by a 6 foot sheep!

There were so many people at his service on Tuesday night. They were representing three organizations: The Masons, VFW, and the Saratoga National Honor Guard. It was a privilege to know him and I hope he is in a better place.

J.P. Dartt
Saratoga National Honor Guard Adjutant